Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Better Late Than Never

Good morning

Wow, a week and three days since my last post.  That has to change, LOL.  Anyway, I have posted two photos of the wedding on my February 18 post, as I promised.

In for some SNOW today I see.  Hopefully there won't be to much to shovel when its over.


I used to dread getting older because I thought I would not be able to do all the things I wanted to do, but now that I am older, I find that I don't want to do them anyway - Nancy Astor

Tax Clinic training at 1 pm today, unless it is cancelled because of the snow.  The Income Tax Program will be starting the first Monday in March, which in March 5, then will carry on for 9 weeks in total, ending April 30.  The clinics will be held at the Lions Hall from 1 pm to 3 pm each Monday.

Have a nice snowy day everyone.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Wedding Today

After wishing Ed and Tracy a Happy Anniversary on the 16th, today it is time to congratulate Chris Hayter and Meghan Madden on their Wedding Day.  Congratulations to both of you and to little Izzy also.

It's snowing out there today, but it is beautiful and I hope they can get some pictures taken outside.  What a beautiful backdrop for wedding pictures.  Keep your fingers crossed that we don't get to much wind before the wedding is over.

I won't add "photo memories" today, I will wait for a wedding picture and upload later.

Promised Wedding photos below:

Wedding Photo

Yesterday was Uncle Iggy and Aunt Winnie's wedding anniversary and also the anniversary of Dad's 92nd birthday.

Words of Wisdom - Getting old has it's advantages, I can no longer read the bathroom scale.

Have a nice snowy day everyone

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Happy 4th Anniversary

Good Thursday morning everyone

I would like to wish Edward and Tracy MacNeil a very happy 4th anniversary today.  They got married in Sydney by Father Dunphy and it was a bitterly cold day.  If I recall it was about -15 on that day and a little wind blowing. BRRRRRRRRRRRRR !!!!!!!!  Today it's plus 1.


On the off chance I don't get to post tomorrow, I would like to mention that February 17th was our Dad's birthday.  He would be celebrating his 92nd tomorrow.  So turn your eyes up to heaven tomorrow and wish him a very happy birthday.


"Life moves pretty fast; if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
                                                                        Matthew Broderick, Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Have a wonderful day Ed and Tracy and anyone else who is listening

Monday, February 13, 2012

Cold - Cold - Cold

Yikes !!!!

It's cold out there.  -16 at 8 this morning.  Right now it's  almost 10:30 and it's -6 in the sun.  Some snow fell last evening, but not as much as I thought there would be.

I don't have any words of wisdom for you this morning, although I'm sure you can find a few words of your own before the day is finished, LOL.

Nothing exciting going on here this morning.  I spent most of the morning house cleaning, BECAUSE,  Debbie is going back to work tomorrow for two weeks.  Only six working weeks to go.  Now I'm sure you are wondering what I mean by that, well, I will explain.  In the next 12 weeks, I only have 3 more 2 week shifts at Sears and then I will be layed off.  Yes, Wanda and I are finished working for Kim and Philip in April   AND  if no one is interested in taking over the Sears outlet, it will be closed.  Sad, isn't it?  I must say, I really enjoyed the job, especially the two weeks on, two weeks off part of it.  But it's that time of life where I keep thinking I would be better off staying home.  But I will miss the job, the people and getting out of the house.  Although I'm sure I can find something to do with my time.


Mothers Day 2009

Johnny's BD 2010

Enjoy what's left of this beautiful, sunny, cold day.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Good Morning
Friday has rolled around already.  Last night we had an inch or more of snow but nothing major.  Today is sunny and bright, no wind but still very cool out there.  We have been having the greatest of weather for January and February this year.  I'm hoping that the next few months, leading into spring, will be more of the same weather.  Fingers crossed !!

A little wisdom for you today - "A man has reached middle age when he is warned to slow down by his doctor and not the police"

Photo Memory

Our Nadine pictured with two stars from "This Hour Has 22 Minutes"  Mark and Shaun

If the sun is shinning where ever you are, enjoy it and have a great day

Monday, February 6, 2012

Good Monday Morning

I know Monday mornings are a challenge for some, for me, they come around to quickly.  Actually, life itself is going by a little to fast for my fancy.  In the blink of an eye, it will be the weekend again and a week from tomorrow I will be back to work again for two weeks.  AMAZING isn't it?

"A Quote" from Mark Twain for you today - - - "Life would be infinitely happier if we could only be born at the age of eighty and gradually approach eighteen".

As most of us know all to well, today a lot of people revert back to their youth and childhood long before they reach the age of eighty.  The disease that takes their memories away, also takes away a part of the lives of those who love them.  It's very sad and I can bet that almost everyone out there has someone close to them, or someone they know well, who is going through this devastating disease.  Hold onto your memories because they fade to fast.

Photo Memory

Snoopy and Jane 2005

Richard and Madonna 2005

Thanks for listen, have a very special day

Saturday, February 4, 2012

An Extra Quote

Good morning

Thought you would like this "extra quote" of the day:

"Since there is nothing so well worth having as friends,
never lose the chance to make them."
                                       Francesco Guicciardini

Aunt Dorothy
Lola, Rosemary
& Sharlene 2011

Tracy, Selena, Sharlene & Nadine 1987

Friday, February 3, 2012

New Years Resolution

Hi Family and Friends

It's a little late to post New Years Resolutions, but I did make this one on January 1.

Well, here goes.  This resolution has several parts to it, so bare with me here for a minute.

As most of you know, I do not post on my blog often enough, I resolve to change that this year and to find more interesting things to add to the blog.  An example is my "Quote of the Day" on the left hand side of the the blog.  Of course, the blog will never be as interesting as Facebook, but I do hope you join me now and then during the year.

I also have a daily journal (still not that interesting), mostly because all I record is the weather of the day, birthdays and anniversaries.  Very boring, right?  Well I resolve to change that also by adding more information about each day, the things I do and the people I meet and of course, my new friend, Maggy.  Now this journal will not be made public, so you can't check on whether I am keeping this resolution, but I will keep you updated during the year on how I am getting along.  This will help me keep my resolution to blog more, isn't that a good start?

During my 61+ years, I have had many "hobbies" which included, crochet, knitting, quilting and for the past several years, scrapbooking.  I LOVE SCRAPBOOKING. And as usual, I don't put as much work into that hobby as I should be, so hence, the last part of my resoluion is to take more pictures, buy more paper and other stuff, yeh !, and "create " more scrapbook pages, mini books, digital pages, junk journals and smash books.  I will explain the last two items later, if you're interested of course, LOL.

Now lets say, if I get out of hand and fall back into my old habits of not posting at least 4 days out of 7, you have my permission to email me and give me a little shake (not a big shake, remember I am 61+) and say "hey old woman, get your backside in gear and post something interesting".  That's all you have to do or you can email be at anytime, whether I am good or bad.

Thanks for listening, I think that's what blogs are for too, LOL

PS: Some interesting information related to yesterday, February 2.  Our Grandpa Jack,  Mom's father, used to celebrate his birthday on that day.  He was born Feburary 2, 1886 -  126 years ago

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Happy February

Good morning to all

Just thought I would let you know that I have updated the blog for February.  I am still searching for a slide show for the blog but haven't had much luck yet.

A Very Happy Birthday to all our February birthday people.

Also a few anniversaries this month:

Edward and Tracy MacNeil - February 16
Ignatius and Winnie Burke - February 17th
Warren and Debbie Burke - February 20th

AND congratulations to Meghan Madden and Christopher Hayter who are getting married on February 18, 2012

A photo memory from 2011

Holly's Hair