Tuesday, February 12, 2013

New Book-Book Review-Catherine Cookson

NOTE:  I did not write this review, I found it on the internet.

An Appropriate Good-bye

It seems appropriate somehow that Catherine Cookson's final novel should be so typical of her work and so celebratory of the area she wrote so much about. Cookson fans will read it as a fitting good-bye.

The Desert Crop is the final work of this author of over 90 novels. Though that equals almost one for each of Cookson's years on the planet, her first novel wasn't published until she was 44. That book -- Kate Hannigan -- was originally published in 1950. Born June 27, 1906, she received the OBE in 1985 and was created a Dame of the British Empire in 1993. Dame Catherine died on June 11, 1998 at home near Newcastle in England.

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