Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year

Happy New Year, Family and Friends

No New Year's resolution this year (because last years did not work out).

I am starting the new year off with a book by one of my favourite authors, Belva Plain.  The title is Fortune's Hand published in 1999.  Ms. Plain has an extraordinary number of books published (as does Catherine Cookson) which would take me a lifetime to read, so I pick the most interesting.  I think Catherine Cookson and Belva Plain are going to the most popular authors on my book list for 2013.

Before the end of 2012, I finished a few knitting projects.  One of them was this very nice pair of slippers.  I am also trying to finish an crocheted afghan I started last year, but only 1/4 of the way through that.  I will post a picture later.

Riley's First Communion
March 2009

   " Photo Memory"

One can not make all the clever
people good -----neither is it
possible to make all the good
people clever --

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