Monday, July 30, 2012

New Baby Girl

Ava Rose Hayter born July 30, 2012, 9 lbs 3 oz

Congratulations Meghan, Chris & Izzy

Grandparents - Eddie & Lorna Madden
                        Regis & Lorne Hayter

Great Grandchild #26 for Sarah Burke, French Cove

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Catherine Cookson Books

I got a little reminder from Madonna today that I am behind in my posting.  She's keeping a close eye on me so I thought I would publish this little post for you.

As you can see from my book list, I am reading a Catherine Cookson book this month, called "The Blind Miller" first published in 1963.   This is my third Catherine Cookson book and I find them very interesting, sort of like historical romance novels with a little mystery in them.

Catherine Cookson was a British author born in 1906.  She died in 1998, just 16 days before her 92nd birthday.  She published almost 100 books in her career starting with the novel "Kate Hannigan" in 1950.

I would really like to read her Tilly Trotter trilogy, which was published in the early 1980s.  I am keeping an eye out for these books at flea markets and second hand stores, but haven't had any luck yet.  If anyone know where I can find them, please let me know.

That's it for today.  Pick up a Catherine Cookson novel and enjoy the trip back in time.


Monday, July 23, 2012

Simon Burke Project-Donation List- UPDATE

July 27th, 2012 Donation List Update
See add names at the bottom of the list !!

Hi Folks

A beautiful sunny, warm day.     30 degrees in the shade behind my house.

So far we have a long list of people who have donated to our Simon Burke Project

Simon Burke Project Donation List

Sarah Burke - daughter-in-law - in memory of his son Alex
Averill MacNeil - granddaughter
Gwen MacKenzie - granddaughter
Debbie Burke - granddaughter
Myrna Norris - granddaughter
Vicki MacDonald - granddaughter
Dolrita Phillips - granddaughter
Velma DiFrancesco - granddaughter
Basil Gouthro - grandson
Juanita MacPhee - great granddaughter
Fran MacPhee - granddaughter
Graham Burke - grandson
Selena Burke - great granddaughter
Sharlene Burke - great granddaughter
Regis Burke - granddaughter
Christopher Hayter - great grandson
Tracy MacNeil - great granddaughter
Bobby Schmucher - grandson
John Schmucher - grandson
Darlene Samson - granddaughter
Tiffany Samson - great granddaughter
Tryphena MacDonald - great granddaughter
Mark Samson - great grandson
Floyd Burke - grandson
Lorne E Burke - grandson

Updates . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Patricia Goodall - great granddaughter
Susie Burke - granddaughter
Raymond Gouthro - grandson
Geraldine MacPhee - granddaughter
Stacy MacMillian - great granddaughter

A great big "THANK YOU" to those who have donated so far.  I still have more people to contact, so I will keep you updated.

Have a great day

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Simon Burke Project

Good Sunday afternoon Folks

An update on our Simon Burke project.  We have collected almost $400.00 dollars BUT we still have more grandchildren to contact.  I will keep you posted of our progress.


Riley, June 2012

Canada Day


January 2009

Great picture for a hot July day, LOL!!!!!! brrrrrrrrrr!!!!

Have a great day

Monday, July 2, 2012

Happy Canada Day

What a beautiful day we had for Canada Day this year.  A little to hot for me, but NO rain, NO drizzle, NO fog, yeah.

Wishing everyone on my birthday list a very happy birthday this month.  And don't forget to read through the July memorial list and the 2012 memorial list and say a prayer for them all.


Mary & James - 2009

Jane Riley - 2009

Enjoy your day.